Online Marketing: Convey Your Point of View

Many problems with marketing online are the consumer is not clear on what the business owner is trying to convey.  Design your site not only to show the products and services you sell but also to show who you are and where your product fits in the scheme of things.  Competition is steep these days.  To be successful you need to build your “store” with compelling reasons someone should choose your products over someone else’s.

The first suggestion is to have a business plan with a clear goal written out.  A business owner with a clear business plan comes off as more professional to the consumer than one who hems and haws about what it is they want to achieve.

Blogging is another great way to convey your standing or point of view.  With blogging, you display your knowledge on a variety of levels.  It also allows your consumer to interact with you and other third party interests that creates a community atmosphere around your site.  In blogging, you can share new products, new services, new ideas, successes and failures, whatever you want to share.  By allowing comments and feedback on your blogs, you are engaging and empowering your customers.  Engaging your customer elicits loyalty and drives them to seek you out over your competition when they are in need of conducting business in your area of expertise.

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