4 Landing Page Conversion Tips

How are your Landing Pages performing?

Are you converting your website visits effectively?

If your landing page conversion rate is lower than the industry standard 4.8% then its time to revisit the copy and design of your landing page.

1. Keep important elements above the fold —

Make sure you keep your form above the fold of the page so that the visitor does not miss it. The form and the form’s submit button should be the first thing the person notices when they enter the landing page

2. Use trust signals —

Use trust signals to reassure the visitor that your company is reputable and they are not filling out a form that will end up spamming them. Customer testimonials are a great way to show your company is great at what they do.

3. Remove Distractions —

You want to keep your landing page as short and clean as possible.  Kill the navigation and social media links out of the landing page. The main goal for the page should be the form conversion. Get those leads.

4. A/B Test Your Landing pages —

There is no magic bullet for all landing pages. The only way to know what works best is through experimentation. Set up A/B tests and see for yourself what works and what needs to do back to the drawing board.

Need help?

Improve conversion rates with a professionally designed, mobile responsive landing page design by Company Juice.

Call Company Juice today @ 925-272-9251

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