Duties of a Social Media Manager

[h3] 1. Set Up a Facebook Account and Business Page [/h3]

One great thing about using Facebook that your clients will love is that it won’t cost them anything. At the same time, their business will get a ton of exposure because of the millions of Facebook users. One of the best ways to set up the Facebook page for a small business is to see what competitors within that niche are doing, and try to top it. As a company’s Social Media Manger, you’ll want to be very aware of the competition. When you set up their page, be sure to also choose a really good company name, which will become part of their Facebook URL.

Check out what other businesses within the same niche are putting on their pages. Notice how many “likes” they have, what kind of images they use and what announcements they’re making. Glean as much as you can and find ways to use some of the ideas that you find, but don’t copy. Having a handle on the competition is one of the best ways to get yourself or the company you’re working with that ‘edge’ to get in the game.

[h3] 2. Twitter and Real Business Networking go together [/h3]

If you need a place to consistently find information that’s trending in your niche, Twitter is the place to go. It’s one place where you can connect with people all over the world. This means that in very little time, you’re able to connect with plenty of people that the company you represent can eventually market to.

To be a good Social Media Manager, you’ll want to handle the company’s Twitter page with care. Tweet daily and make sure you’re staying on topic with what the company represents. When you find competitors that are tweeting, engage and interact. Give the company a little added spice by finding out about some of the things happening in their city and tweet about them from time to time. People like to see business that engage with reality and “what’s happening now” and in the long run, this will give company greater visibility.

There are many software programs that will help you find the right people to interact with. Do a little research to find the right groups and tweet away…

[h3] 3. LinkedIn… Maintaining a LinkedIn network is important! [/h3]

LinkedIn is a great place for finding professions to connect your company with… and again… they’re all over the world.

Look for groups and individuals that you’d like to connect your company with. Consider the products and services that they offer and find the people who could appreciate them. Their current customers can also get in the game by recommending their friends to the company page.

And of course… last but not least…

[h3] 4. Build Your Company Blog — Try WordPress! [/h3]

I know you didn’t think you’d get away without me making this all-important recommendation. The best way to keep your company connected with the right customers is creating a blog. This is a must!

As a good social media manager, you’ll include a blog with the best domain name possible, and begin building a “brand” around the company you’re managing. Again, look for other blogs that are relevant to your company’s niche. Make comments on their blog posts and be sure to include the url to your company’s blog. You can also use the company’s logo as their gravatar across the board. Work on the branding so that their followers will begin to immediately recognize who they are.

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