Does your business need a boost?
Start growing with a Company Juice Social Media Boost campaign.

The Company Juice Team helps you develop and promote your brand with our social media boost campaigns. Effective, interactive social marketing campaigns on a budget. Take a look at this real Landing Page Boost:

Company Juice Lime Logo

1 Social Media Boost

2,599 # of people to see the post

2,034 # of paid people to see the post

129 # of people that clicked on the post

Price per view = $0.02


A very successful 4.9% conversion rate!


Postcard Marketing

(The non-interactive, non-social approach)

Campaign size = 2000

Cost and shipping  = 1,473

Price per piece = $0.74

Percentage guarantee that card will be successful? 0.0%

Now Thru April 2014 => 1 FREE Social Juice Boost with ALL Complete Website Packages