Listing Gallery Shortcode Reference
The following shortcode examples can be used for reference if you choose to enter or modify the different Property Gallery shortcodes manually.
1. Featured Listings
[optima_express_featured includeMap=true]
note: The above short code includes a map which appears above the listings. To remove this, remove includeMap=true from your short code. Ex. [optima_express_featured]
2. Top Picks
[optima_express_toppicks id=12345 includeMap=true]
Replace ID # 12345 with the ID of a Top Picks/Hot Sheet you have created in your account. These are found in your Control Panel under Listings > Hot Sheets. The number is in parentheses next to the Hot Sheet name.
note: The above short code includes a map which appears above the listings. To remove this, remove includeMap=true from your short code. Ex. [optima_express_toppicks id=12345]
3. Search Results
[optima_express_search_results cityId= propertyType=SFR,CND bed=1 bath=1 minPrice=100000 maxPrice=200000 includeMap=true]
note: To generate a city ID you will need to use the Listing Gallery button discussed at the beginning of this guide, then use the “Search” option to select a city.
Here is a list of different property type codes you may use in the shortcode above:
Homes: SFR
Condos: CND
Homes and Condos: SFR,CND
Lots and Land: LL
MultiUnit Residential: RI
Mobile Home: MH
Rental: RNT
Commercial: COM